Avoid These Common Home Security Mistakes

While it’s wise to invest in a decent security system for your home, rather than scrimping on budget or DIY options that don’t actually make you any safer, there are plenty of cost-free aspects of home security.  We’re often surprised at some of the common mistakes people still make that put their homes at risk of being targeted for a burglary, so here’s our top 6 list of security mistakes, and how to fix them – for free!

  1. Unlocked doors and windows.  Yes, this sounds like the sort of thing that no-one would habitually do, but we’re surprised to find that people still go out and leave their front or back door unlocked.  Leaving windows unlocked, or top floor windows open is also a sure sign to a burglar that they can get in easily and back out before you’re home.

    Fix: Create a new habit of locking doors and windows when you’re out, or otherwise engaged on the property (like gardening, monitoring a bonfire, tidying the shed and so on).
  1. “Hidden” keys in obvious places.  Again, this seems like a terrible idea on paper, why would you leave the keys to your house outside the front door for anyone to find?  Sadly, it’s still often done, and it makes breaking in ridiculously easy for a burglar.  There’ll also be no sign of a break in, so you may not even get an insurance pay-out for your losses.  Keys hidden under doormats, under or inside plant pots or in one of those unconvincing fake rocks are a red carpet invitation for a burglar.

    Fix: Use a key safe, leave a spare key with a trusted neighbour, or accept that if someone comes home without a key, they’ll have to wait to be let in by another resident of the house.

  2. Giving burglars hiding places.  Bushes obscuring the front of your home, especially near doorways and in front of windows, provide a lot of cover for criminals.  Tall shrubs blocking prying eyes into windows also block the view of an active burglary from your neighbours, so weigh up whether privacy or security is more important.

    Fix:  Prune shrubs regularly to stop them overgrowing.  You get to hone your topiary skills and make your home look beautiful all while making it safer.

  3. Putting valuables on display.  Whether its antiques, jewellery or even consumer electronics visible through a downstairs window, or the packaging that these items came in left by the bins for two weeks, advertising your prized possessions is practically asking to be relieved of them.

    Fix:  Keep curtains closed at night to stop people seeing in, and move desirable items out of sight from the road and from the front door.  This is easy to check yourself, so there’s no reason not to move your stuff and stop it being moved right out of your door.

  4. Not turning the alarm system on.  We can’t fathom why anyone would care enough about their home security to invest in an alarm system and keep it maintained, and then not use it. Not setting the alarm allows burglars to work undetected – someone could be watching your home, and realise you don’t bother setting the alarm if you nip to the shop.  They’ll then take the next opportunity to break in knowing they’ve got 10 minutes of peaceful pinching time ahead of them.

    Fix:  Always set the alarm!  Ok, this isn’t totally free as the average system will use around 70kWh per year, but not using the alarm you’ve paid for is a false economy.

  5. Giving burglars a head start.  Whether you leave a ladder easily accessible in your back garden, or you post about your whereabouts on social media (even discussing the details in public places can be a bad idea) are all things burglars can take advantage of.  The worst thing to do would be posting your holiday dates on social media, chatting about it in the post office queue and leaving a ladder propped up against your house.  What self-respecting burglar could pass up that opportunity?

    Fix:  Remember the old WWII phrase “loose lips sink ships” – all the more pertinent if you’re off on a cruise.  Be discerning about who you tell about holidays and day trips, and where you broadcast this information online or in person.  Always put ladders and other equipment that could be used in a burglary back in a locked shed or garage when you’re not using it.  Even if a burglar doesn’t use it, a pet or child could become injured by ladders or other tools left lying around.

Now we have informed you of some of the most common home security mistakes and how to fix them (without costing you a penny), we hope your home will be the safe place you want it to be.  If you’re in the West Midlands and you don’t have a burglar alarm, motion sensor lighting or CCTV and want to tighten your home security even further P&R Alarms are the company for you, so call us today.